Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - SFDRWelcome to the MyAdviser SFDR & Ethical Investing Page.
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) is an EU Regulation which applies from 10th March 2021. The SFDR sets out disclosure rules for investment managers and investment advisors. It aims to include environmental, social and governance (ESG) “sustainability” considerations and risks in the decision-making process of investors and asset managers in a consistent manner across the EU financial services sector. There are options for clients who want to take a sustainable, more ethical approach to investing and many have been available for decades, with a recent increase in availability. When providing investment advice, MyAdviser does not currently assess in detail the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability. This is because the area of SFDR is new and evolving without sufficient information being currently available. The key providers with which we engage have developed responsible investment as part of their investment philosophies and sustainability policies. In all cases we will provide this information with all recommendations. However, detailed information on specific fund recommendations is not always available. As further information becomes available we will be reviewing this area. If you have any questions about SFDR and ethical Investing , please send us a query via our web site contact us page, email [email protected] or call us on 01-90 10 463. |